That's all. Spark is dead, and Nothing is mates with a lioness, meaning unless Starmane has living relatives, that means if Fire doesn't have cubs with a pride his family tree ends there
48 Votes in Poll
48 Votes in Poll
That's all. Spark is dead, and Nothing is mates with a lioness, meaning unless Starmane has living relatives, that means if Fire doesn't have cubs with a pride his family tree ends there
So, Spark and Nothing, to be honest, don't look that much like their parents. No relatives of spark or nothing are yellow (except for maybe sharptongue but she's a more dull yellow, or some of the semi canon but those aren't confirmed real). Really the only one who looks like the parents is Fire, and in some species young can come from several fathers. so uhhhhhh-
(this was thought for fun, i just though it'd be funny to say. Not really thinkin they might not be star's kids but hey, it's a fun idea)
What are your top 5 favorite characters? Mine are:
5. Quickmane
4. Spark
3. Nothing
2. Feather
1. Ghost
42 Votes in Poll
What of SPARK is the ghost? Think about it: the ghost didn’t appear in Nothing’s dreams until AFTER Spark was dead. And they look so similar, too. And when the ghost first appeared, he was a cub, like Spark.