We all know that sharp tongue is a good grandmother and that she loves her grand cubs with all her heart especially nothing but something tells me that if she did treat her the same way the pride did she would never forgive herself for it I bet she's so mad at them she's spinning in her grave right now and I know if she arrived on time before nothing attached quick she would stand before nothing and protect her the same goes to power strike something tells me she knew who nothing was since the day she was born she probably talked to one of the goddesses which is cansu and since that day that's how she knew and something tells me that quick only kept his word because she was still alive love the moment she died was the moment he would go against his word which in a way is disrespectful to sharp tongue and I know Ember is not canon but I know that if you were still alive he would never ever let the Pride hear the end of it he would scold them until his death for how they treated nothing especially his daughters but I know he would love nothing just as much as sharp tongue does and you wouldn't do all that he can to keep her safe even if it ends up killing him no matter what and he would be proud of her for trying and doing her best and for her bravery and she in embermane are so cute seriously they're one of my favorite ships and of course this is all my opinion let me know what you guys think down in the Commons is sharp tongue and Embermane one of your favorite characters cuz they sure are mine