What If Feather is the incarnation of Lite?
40 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
Lite tiiiime
Proudmane - Very probably not Lite, he just follows pride law, plus he doesn't love Nothing at all, just a mane being mane - Very Low chance
Fire - He is also just following the law, however he does love Nothing a lot. Also Nothing saying her place is challenging him kinda sus tho... - High chance
Feather - He truly loves Nothing and hurt someone for her, although he does hate pride law a lot. He also sorta looks like Lite ngl - Medium chance
Thunder - He's not revealed yet and will come in seaosn 2, but in the book he was quite a dark character and i believe he could be a pretty good Lite reincarnaion. - High-ish chance
So, we see that Lite and Kyoga can reincarnate, because of the curse. But Karabi? She isn't even part of the curse, it never said that in every life he lives she'll reject him and run off with karabi or something. So, can Karabi even be reincarnated?
42 Votes in Poll
This is my huge theory on some My Pride stuff, involving the Goddesses, Nothing, Spark, Fire, Ghost, Feather along with Lite
First up I’ll be talking about my theory of Asra, Spark = Ghost, Sunce and Fire
Then I’ll be talking about why I really believe Lite is Feather
Posted this on Nothing’s comment page but I’ll do it here as well
Anyone remember this scene? Where Sharptongue is telling the 3 cubs about the story of how the story of Lite, Kyoga, Karabi went, as well as the prides, pride law came to be?
Each of them when interrupting popped up under one of the goddesses.
Nothing appearing under Cansu
Spark under Asra
And Fire under Sunce
People will probably say to me that it’s not much, but since I’m a dumb theorist, here I go.
Nothing under Cansu, Nothing met Cansu as Rain, symbolizing them meeting and Cansu telling Nothing about the truth of Lite
Next bits, are all completely guesses and theories.
Spark and Asra. Now most of y’all know how there’s theories of how Spark is Ghost? Well my idea from this one scene is that when Spark died, Asra came to him and did some magical stuff and revived him but as Ghost.
Since Ghost is the only character (other than Hover cause that was a memory) who’s been in the Shifting Place and the real world before. And who is the only other lion who can access the Shifting Place now other than Ghost and Nothing? Asra.
Even so, how would Ghost mysteriously know where Nothing and the Sister Steppe was located? Nobody’s ever seen him before. It could mean that he knew because as Spark, he lived in the Sister Steppe before, and that’s how he knew.
Some people may argue that Ghost seems much older, but maybe Spark was just the first born or the quickest growing a mane. Or... magical Asra stuff again
Either that or it’s just some magical reason
Next we have Fire and Sunce.
Both Asra and Cansu have already appeared in the series, so it must mean that Sunce will appear right?
Sunce is the only goddess who hasn’t made an appearance yet, and with only 2 more episodes of season 1. It only makes sense for Sunce to appear in these two episodes.
Since Fire is the protag for episode 9, we’ll see his life and maybe Sunce will guide him or something like that.
Not as much of an idea like Asra being somehow involved with Spark, but I wanted to mention it :p
Now onto my Feather = Lite theory and why I’m certain.
People are guessing Proudmane is Lite, because they’re both homos.
But Nothing wouldn’t have that much hard feelings about killing him if it really was Proud. The plot would be too easy.
But if it was Feather, that would make the plot much harder to Nothing.
The only reason Feather hates it is because Proud killed his father, otherwise he wouldn’t of minded it at all
It wouldn’t make sense either for a random new character to just appear from nowhere either.
My guess for Episode 10 Pride Law, will be Nothing finding the Shifting Place, ending the cycle, and also find out that Feather is Lite and Nothing refuses to kill him and something like that
Another thing, Proud, when we first meet him. He’s full grown, older than Fire since he already had a full mane unlike Fire. Since Nothing is the same age as Fire, both Nothing and Proud aren’t the same age.
What does age have to do with this? Y’all might say, in their past life, the lion before Nothing and whoever Lite was, (who I’ll call Past Lite) Past Lite died first and whoever before Nothing died after.
Yes maybe.. but the cycle of them keep going when Lite dies, so I believe as soon as the Lite reincarnations die, the Kyoga reincarnation also die. Not likely but what I’d like to believe for Proud and Feather right now.
Now I’m aware this contradicts everything I said about Feather cause Feather is about 2-3 years younger than Nothing.
But I’ll keep it there in case
But still it’s all a guess and my theory :L
What are all your thoughts?
I'm just trying to figure out who Lite is, so here's a few theories.
It would make sense for an important male in Nothing's life to trick her and turn out to be evil, but he's a kid at the moment so we'll probably be waiting a while :P
Like I said, important male in Nothing's life. Fire is one. He has similar 'hair' when he was younger.
Spark or the ghost guy
Not sure about this, but I'm pretty sure these two are the same :P they feel similar and it would make a good plot twist (I'm getting off-topic XD)
COME ON how cool would it be for her to trick Nothing and actually turn out to be a villain?
These are just theories :P